Can young people also die from the virus? - Recibe noticias de Anna Kol

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Monday, March 30, 2020

Can young people also die from the virus?

As in China, the average age of the deceased in Germany is very high at 82. The majority of those infected, however, are much younger. The average age here is 45 years (as of March 23, 2020).

Although the likelihood of Covid-19 taking a serious course in young people is significantly lower, it is not impossible. The so-called case-deceased share among people younger than 50 years is less than one percent in evaluations from South Korea.

Less than one percent of those under the age of 19 had to be hospitalized in the United States . By contrast, one in five of the 20 to 44 year olds was already there. In the end, however, several factors decide how high the individual risk is.

People of all ages with pre-existing conditions are at risk

Certain previous illnesses can also lead to a fatal outcome in young, apparently healthy people, as is the case with a 21-year-old football coach from Spain. There, the underlying disease leukemia was not diagnosed before, the man probably died in the hospital from the consequences of the viral infection.

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